Your Guide to Maintaining Your 反渗透系统
There are a million reasons to love your reverse osmosis system, and the easy maintenance schedule is one of them. Once you’ve experienced clean, 新鲜的, delicious water 新鲜的 from your tap, you will never want to go back.
好消息是? Maintenance is simple and painless for these home water treatment systems. 让你的水杯装满干净的水只需要一点保养, and it is well worth the energy for the reward of tasty water. 为了保护您的投资,请花时间执行维护,以保持您的系统在最佳水平上运行.
有多种 reverse osmosis water filter 市场上的系统,每一个单独的系统都会有独特的特点和功能. 请咨询您的水专业人员或参考您的手册,了解维护您特定的反渗透系统的信息. While the execution may vary slightly, 你可以计划一些一般的时间框架来保持你的反渗透系统处于最佳状态.
反渗透系统 Maintenance
The hardest part of reverse osmosis maintenance is remembering to do it. 最好的记住方法是在维护到期时在日历上设置提醒. 数字提醒是一种方便的方式,可以帮助您记住更改过滤器并按时执行服务.
反渗透维护通常可以同时进行. 一些变量会影响反渗透系统中过滤器和膜的使用寿命. 使用一个 软水器 在您家中保养服务的间隔会明显延长. The hardness of your water, the amount of water you use, 你的特定系统都是决定你应该多久更换这些过滤器的因素. 如果有疑问,请咨询专业人士,但至少要坚持这条经验法则.
Reverse Osmosis Maintenance Frequency:
If you also use a 软水器 system:
● Every 3 years: membrane replacement
If you don’t use a 软水器 system:
● Yearly: membrane replacement
Replace Filters and Membrane
反渗透系统使用的过滤器对维持其性能至关重要. As your water journeys through your reverse osmosis system, it travels through a series of filters and, 最终, the semi-permeable membrane to achieve a perfect result. 系统的每个组件都依赖于这一系列的过滤器来实现预期的功能. 维护你的反渗透过滤器是让每个组件完成其作用的关键.
保持不变的过滤器会给系统的其他部分带来压力,并导致流程崩溃. 例如,你的预过滤器是至关重要的,因为它过滤掉氯等化学物质. If chlorine was allowed to proceed into the system, it would break down the semi-permeable membrane filter, which is the crux of the reverse osmosis process. 像这样的问题很容易避免,只要保持对过滤器的维护. It is an easy way to maximize the performance of your system.
坚持更换过滤器是保持水新鲜和延长系统寿命的最好方法. It will keep your entire system running efficiently. The water flowing from your tap will be perfect as a result.
排空你的水箱只需要几分钟,并且可以与你每年更换过滤器的时间一致. 这个过程很简单,只需要你把油箱里的水放干,然后再加满.
Draining your reverse osmosis tank is vital for a few reasons. 第一个, it ensures you are achieving adequate pressurization of your system, which is a crucial part of the reverse osmosis process. 第二个, 排水系统将消除任何水,已经坐在底部的水箱很长一段时间. Water left to sit in the tank can become stale or slimy. 定期排干RO水箱的水,你就能喝到尽可能新鲜的水.
To really keep your system clean and 新鲜的, 重要的是,每次维护系统时都要经过一个消毒过程. 虽然这是最复杂的维护你的反渗透系统将需要, it is still a very simple and straightforward task.
To sanitize a reverse osmosis system, 你将把过氧化氢通过贯穿整个系统的管道. 这将消毒所有与水接触的内部组件.
Consult with an expert about the specific sanitizing process for your system. While any homeowner can sanitize their system, 如果您更喜欢由专家来维修您的系统,水系统专业人员也可以执行这项服务.
Your reverse osmosis system will work hard for you; all it needs is some periodic attention to keep running smoothly. As with all things related to water, 当地的水专家对当地的水有丰富的知识. With all of the variables at play, 咨询一位了解当地供水复杂情况的专家,以及它是如何与你使用的系统一起工作的,这将使一切变得不同.